Basic Services
Basic services are benefits that kick in immediately once a new client enters into our program. It’s intended for clients who have some sort of supervision such as CRD (Conditional Release), or probation. Supervision is not a requirement to sign up for the basic plan but it’s specifically the type of client that the plan has been tailored for. It is not a requirement that any other services be purchased. The plan is available when no other services have been purchased through H.O.S.T. and the plan is available to anybody requesting these services, whether they reside at a residence that is affiliated with H.O.S.T. or not.
Many of our clients will have purchased the administrative services, and if so we’ve already been working with the client and most likely a sponsor. Those services were before the client’s arrival. Perhaps they were incarcerated or requesting their probation be transferred to get to us. The basic plan is what we can provide after they get to us. It is not mandatory to purchase these benefits but you’ll soon see after reading our description that the plan covers what most coming into our program have to do one way or another. Many don’t have the knowledge of all their legal obligations, and lack knowledge of many available resources to them. H.O.S.T. will gladly provide all this information at no charge but to somebody who likely doesn’t yet have any means of transportation, it is the solution as well as the stress reliever of not only being assured of everything that must be done, but also how to get there and having a mentor type person at their personal access.
Every client’s needs are unique. H.O.S.T. is evaluating those needs during the administrative process. The basic plan is the delivery of those needs. Sex offenders have legal obligations which must be met to remain in compliance, whether they have probation or not. Failure to fulfill these requests can result in another arrest. The residency restrictions have been addressed, but that’s only the beginning of what sex offenders face for possibly the rest of their life but certainly for any period they are under supervision such as probation.
The basic plan covers those urgent and immediate issues. It’s not long term but we do offer a more long term solution as well, but first things first. The basic plan is a 30 day period that H.O.S.T. will provide covered services. Think of it a little like insurance. Services covered under the basic plan include not only what’s needed to remain in legal compliance but also what’s needed for survival. Issues such as food, clothing and medical needs just some examples of necessary tasks in addition to their legal requirements of probation visits, FDLE registrations, DMV registration & at least a state ID are usually mandatory things that must be done. The 30 day period of benefits allows time to complete these tasks although the majority of them will be done over the first few days.
List of benefits covered under the basic plan - 30 days of coverage for the following benefits.
We can’t cover absolutely everything that everybody needs, but this is what we can and will cover.
1. We provide pickup from Greyhound. This is how most inmates released from prison get to the destination of their residence that DOC (Department of Corrections) approved. Unless they are picked up directly at the prison, DOC will not officially consider them released until they escort them onto a bus sending them to the nearest Greyhound station of their residence. DOC gets them onto the bus from the prison but what about when they arrive? This is when H.O.S.T. makes the first face to face contact with the client. H.O.S.T. will be there when they step off the bus and we will escort them to the new residence.
2) If any form of supervision is involved, such as probation or CRD, H.O.S.T provides immediate contact and transportation to their initial probation intake meeting. Every case has different specifics what the requirements are, but we’ll cater to those specifics. Sometime’s probation is to be contacted immediately upon their arrival. We’ll,provide the use of a phone and help them make that call themselves. When probation is involved, it is usually required by probation to report to their new residence and to not leave the residence until the initial probation intake meeting. This initial intake probation meeting may or may not be the same day of arrival. It’s usually the next business day that the probation office is open, but it could be the same day of arrival. It’s all based on the time of arrival and the specifics of the case. Regardless if probation demands it or not, H.O.S.T. will escort them to the new residence and encourage them to stay there until the initial probation intake meeting. Probation may or may not come visit the residence that very evening. Usually the intake probation meeting is the next business day and we’ll pick them up and escort them for that. Intake meetings are mandatory and must occur with 24 hours of arrival at the residence if probation is involved. These are 24 “business” hours, so when arrivals occur on weekends or holidays, so long as the probation intake meeting occurs the next business day that the probation office is open this is in compliance with the 24 hour rule.
3) Registration is a requirement within 48 hours for any sex offender whether there is formal supervision or not. These are handled at the local sheriff station. Appointments are available to be made, but a lack of an appointment doesn’t mean this step doesn’t have to be done, it just means there will be a longer wait time because walk ins are given less priority than scheduled appointments. The basic plan includes, not only the transportation but the appointment has already been pre-scheduled. H.O.S.T. understands that incarcerated inmates can’t make appointments, and we also understand the urgency that this step occurs during the entire chain of events. Probation intake comes first but next comes registration. The 48 hour rule also works around holidays and other days that registrations aren’t processed, which aren't always 5 days a week. So long as this step is handled within 48 “business” hours this is in compliance. H.O.S.T. verifies that happens.
4) DMV registration is another requirement within 48 hours, but this step can’t always be done due to a lack of documents needed or a lack of funds to pay the DMV fee. If anything needed is lacking H.O.S.T. will get them something called a letter of complience from the DMV within the required 48 hours. In order to obtain a valid state ID two forms of proof of residency are required. The paperwork obtained at the sheriff station is one of those. Their lease or receipt for the room they rent will be the other. H.O.S.T. will coordinate with the landlord to ensure that the document is ready for them for this step. Even with those two forms for proof of residence, sometimes more documents, not to mention a fee payable to the DMV are necessary in order to get a state ID. In addition to the two proofs of residency that are ready other documents needed to obtain a state ID are a social security card and an original (not a copy) birth certificate. There is also a fee involved, payable to the DMV, which is NOT covered by the basic plan. Whether it’s due to not yet having one or both of those documents or not having the fee DMV charges, the new address must be registered the DMV, even if getting the state ID is not yet possible. This letter of compliance the DMV provides extends the period from 48 hours to 30 days, giving us time to work on whatever the issue is holding up the ID. When the required documentation or fee is avalaible, we will also cover the trip back.
5) After all legal obligations are current H.O.S.T. will then get to some of the more pressing ones for our new client. Perhaps they need assistance with clothing and or food; we’ll get them to agencies that can help. H.O.S.T. does not provide these items, but we do not only inform clients who do, but escort them there to get it. This includes any immediate medical needs. We will escort them to free clinics for any urgent medical needs. This includes ordering prescription refills. We’ll sign them up for food stamps in our office, in addition to transporting them between our office and their residence. Not everybody is eligible for food stamps, but if indigent, we’ll put in the application and the process usually only takes a couple business days before they have their card.
That’s a sample of covered services. Every person’s case is unique and not all services are covered. What is covered is anything listed above. Coverage lasts for 30 days and H.O.S.T. offers additional plans for what’s next. The extended plan covers more services than the basic plan listed above and it’s another option available. Travel outside the county of residence is not covered. Travel for purposes not mentioned above is not covered. Don’t let the first week of freedom become a nightmare. We are excited and enthusiastic to Helping Offenders Successfully Transition. Packages including the basic plan are available.