Job Seekers
Lot's of places help with the job search, but few follow through and actually get you a job. You'll find places that offer to help with your resumes, and even places that let you use a workstation to submit on line applications from. H.O.S.T. offers much more.
First we'll schedule you for an initiial consultation. This is where we will discuss and accumulate information that you need to be prepared for a job search. We'll discuss your job preferences, work history and other type of information to build you a profile. This much is offered by many agencies. It's what we will do with this profile that makes us different from them.
After we have your profile we are prepared to do two things. The first thing is to update or if necessarry, create your resume. Other places offer this assistance as well and we parter with them. This step may actually be done by another party, or it may be done by us. Either way we'll get it done so that we can move onto what nobody else does offer.
After you have both a profile with H.O.S.T. and a resume H.O.S.T. is ready to not only help you, but take over, if necessarry.
Many sex offenders simply can't use the interent. Maybe they are restricted, maybe they simply don't have a computer, or no internet access from home. It is difficult to serisouly pursue a job search without internet, but many are faced to for a number of reasons.
Maybe you just struggle with not feeling capable or just want some guidance.
H.O.S.T. will not simply offer a workstation, we offer to do it for you. That's why we built you a profile. Once we have your information we will apply you for all applicable jobs. We don't just tell you, here's a job you should apply for. We'll apply for you, with your permission of course. You won't be told, here's a job that sounds good, fill out an application. We'll tell you we got you an interview.
Of course we can't offer this kind of service for free, but we also understand that until we get you a job, you can't afford to pay. There is both no cost, and no obligation for our initial consultation. If you choose to accept our services your payment can be deferred until you have the job. Check out our job seeker plan on the prices and packages page.